Sexual Harassment

Not just a problem at the office or on the street, this is a worldwide issue, primarily for women. While in the US and a few other countries there are laws that protect women against being physically harrassed, in many country women are considered fair game if they dare set foot on the street. The countries that these women live in do little to protect them or deal out punishment to perpetrators. Men in many parts are allowed to go wild, and this type of violence against women has been on the rise lately, especially in countries where women are still fighting for basic human rights.
This is a topic to remain aware of and try to be proactive in if you can.

Sexual Harassment Support

1 comment:

  1. Women should be given all human rights ofcourse and not harrassed by mens or anyone. Atleast there should be some help or support centre available everywhere for women for sure.
    Women should raise their voice if they do not get their needful rights
